Trina Solar Hitting New Milestones

Trina Solar Hitting New Milestones

Trina Solar, one of Sustain’s trusted suppliers has recently released interesting financials which suggest that the company is on track to guide between 950 MW (megawatts) and 1,010 MW worth of shipments in quarter two of 2014. This would suggest that Trina Solar could hit the 1 GW (gigawatt) milestone for the first time and potentially surpass this figure. If they were to do so, it would make them the first module supplier to achieve the feat.

The milestone is dependent on whether the company is on a similar growth pattern to the results from the first quarter. It is no certainty that everything will fall into place, but current statistics suggest that the organisation is well on track for a brand-new milestone.

Yingli, another Chinese manufacturer of solar PV also came close to this milestone in the fourth quarter of 2013, with more than 900 MW of module shipments. Yingli is set to release further information shortly on their projections for the second quarter.

Achieving the 1 GW milestone is not the most important factor when comparing solar PV suppliers of course, the ultimate measurement factor is based on industry dominance and profitability, which is much harder to predict.

While the predictions are a positive sign for Trina Solar they did actually miss their guidance for quarter one in 2014, which paved the way for Sharp Solar to take the spot during the quarter as the top module supplier globally.

It is highly likely that Trina solar will reach the projections for global shipments given the strong growth and development within the business. Furthermore, Chinese solar policy is set out to effectively help the development of the market in the coming years.