FREE Solar Panels

Sustain are experienced in the installation of free solar panels throughout the United Kingdom following the completion of numerous jobs for many happy customers. Both families and businesses have benefited from the FREE electricity our solar pv systems provide. We’re rapidly expanding the free solar panel service to even the most remote parts of the United Kingdom. It is highly likely that you will have a solar pv installation team very close to your town or city, so we are able to offer a fantastic local service.

What is The Catch?

You may instantly be thinking how can you install solar panels for free on my property? Genuinely we can and there is no catch. Sustain have had the privilege to install solar panels on many properties throughout the UK, helping people to benefit from free electricity. Our extremely happy customers can confirm the fantastic service standards, see our customer testimonials.

You may have heard some strange things in relation to free solar PV installations! Here are some myths about free solar PV installations.


Is It Really FREE?

Yes, we can confirm that our service is 100% free as a result of the incentives provided by the government guaranteed feed in tariff scheme. Consequently, Sustain are able to install solar panels for free on your property because we will be paid an income from the feed in tariff scheme to pay for the installation costs.

Just to clarify, you may find other free solar companies communicating that they provide a free service however, there are often clauses and contracts, which will incur you a cost. So if you’re worried about maintenance fees, survey fees or any related scaffolding costs, don’t worry, our service is 100% free.

FREE Or Purchased

Of course, you will be able to purchase a solar PV system for your domestic or commercial property and while there is a cost involved there are some significant benefits. Instead of Sustain benefiting from the feed in tariff scheme, you’ll be able to generate an income, which not only contributes to paying off the installation costs over a number of years but you will also reap even more rewards. As well as making a saving on electricity bills, you will be paid for the electricity you produce.

Often the choice between having a purchased solar PV system or a free installation is based on available capital. Financial organisations have solutions available to help you pay for a solar PV system but you always have the option of having a free solar panel installation as long as your property or ground location is suitable. See the comparisons between a free solar panel installation and a purchased solution.

Why Choose Sustain?

Sustain are a leading solar PV installation company, with a long and proven track record in delivering exceptional results for numerous clients in a variety of sectors. We are experienced in everything from the smallest domestic installation all way through to large public sector projects. We have a large team of assessors, surveyors, installers, project managers and a support team that will guide you throughout the process.

Work with us and you can be certain that you will be in safe hands. Our management team have years of experience in the construction industry as well as the renewable technology sector.

FREE Solar Savings

The data we have obtained from a number of our happy customers suggests that annual electricity bills have been reduced significantly following the installation of solar pv.

It is absolutely possible to make huge savings with your electricity bill if you utilise the electricity generated by the solar panels effectively during daytime hours.

Is A Solar PV Installation Disruptive?

We can categorically say that the installation will not be disruptive. Our solar installation team can have a system up and functional very quickly.

In some instances we will be able to complete the installation in a day, however if we need longer in more complex circumstances you will be made aware. Most of the work for the installation takes place outside, so you won’t see any disruption to your daily routine indoors.

Refer A Friend

Once you have a free solar panel installation completed at your property you can take advantage of the Sustain ‘Refer a Friend’ scheme, which enables you to receive a cash payment for new customers that you refer. This scheme is available to all our customers and we are sure you will take up the opportunity following a successful installation by Sustain.

Property Suitability

It’s a very simple process, all you need to do is go to our contact page and fill in your details. We will assess your property remotely and will be able to give you a decision quickly.  If you are then happy to proceed we will arrange for one of our local representatives to complete a no obligation onsite survey.

Once the comprehensive property survey has been completed and you choose to go ahead, Sustain will make all the arrangements to install free solar panels on your property.

For commercial properties or clients who would like to have free solar panels installed on their land, the process is a little more complicated but we will be able to give you more information when you get in touch with us.

For more details on whether your property is suitable for a free solar PV installation click here.


Roof Suitability

In relation to roof suitability we will take into consideration the following when making an assessment of your property:

  • Direction of the roof.
  • Roof tiles.
  • Roof protrusions.
  • Size and shape.
  • Shading issues including trees and other buildings.
  • Roof strength and structure.
  • Whether scaffolding can be erected correctly.

Enquire About FREE Solar

We understand the installation of FREE solar PV systems for domestic and commercial properties and we can help you utilise the vast quantities of untapped solar energy across the country. Contact us for information on FREE Solar Panels.